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Ayurvedic Bliss Therapy

Abhyanga + Śirodhāra + Svedana

."Ayurvedic oils strengthen the metabolic fires, purify the intestines, removes toxins from the tissues, rejuvenate the body, prevent aging, and bestow the user with a lifespan of 100 years." 

                                                                                ~Caraka Samhita

Why is Ayrvedic Massage special?

Ayurvedic massage (Abhyanga), features the generous use of herbal infused oils with choreographed strokes designed to balance the flow of physical and subtle energy throughout the body. The rhythmic nature of abhyanga stimulates the lymphatic system to open circulation and purification channels throughout the body, and allow for deep absorption of the therapeutic oils to strengthen the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and promote vitality.  

Because the aims of abhyanga are to purify and restore balance in the body, the massage strokes differ from what one might be used to in traditional massages such as deep tissue. They vary from deep to superficial and follow the flow of energy channels, nerve pathways, and lymph drainage. The entire body, with the exception of the genital region, is addressed in order to restore whole body integration and alignment. 

What is Shirodhara?

 Is one of the most luxurious of Ayurvedic body therapies.  During shirodhara, warm medicated oil is streamed over the sixth chakra (over the forehead) through a suspended copper pot above the head in a continuous and gentle manner. This is a profoundly relaxing experience and a wonderful treatment for chronic headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and a "busy mind". Shirodhara is used for tonifying for the nervous system, inducing meditative states, and as a part of traditional Ayurvedic detoxification protocols (panchakarma).

What is Svedana?

Svedana is a therapeutic steam therapy to treat all conditions in which there is stagnation, coldness. or stiffness. A moderate sweat is induced through steam & the use of herbs that dilate the cells and channels of the body allowing toxins to be mobilized and expelled. It can be used as an individual treatment or in combination with other purifying therapies. It's a wonderful way to follow Abhyanga. The combination of abhyanga, shirodhara, and svedana is known as Ayurvedic Bliss Therapy

The energy of life in Nature and the flowers. .jpg
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